Azhar: Batuk, Batuk.... lama betul aku tak update...
Habuk: Ingat ko da tanak datang....
Azhar: Aku nak update la...
Habuk: Takpayahla...
Azhar: Suka hati aku la...
Habuk: Bole aku tanya satu soalan?
Azhar: Apahal?
Habuk: Apsal ko itam?
Azhar: Apsal ko tanye?
Habuk: Muka ko macam india la...
Azhar: Aku mmg india...
Habuk: Tapi ko solat...
Azhar: India tak bley jadi Islam ke?
Habuk: hehe...
Azhar: Bodoh la ko...
Habuk: Ramai orang panggil ko hitam...
Azhar: mana ada ramai? Sorg dua je...
Habuk: Pasal apa diorg panggil ko hitam...?
Azhar: Sebab diorg bodoh... macam ko...
Habuk: Nengok budak tu...
Seorang MAKHLUK CIPTAAN TUHAN #1 lalu di depan AZHAR dan HABUK
Makhluk ciptaan tuhan 1: Manusia Hitam! Manusia Hitam!
Habuk: Ko nengok!
Azhar: Dia takut sebenarnya...
Habuk: Takut ape?
Azhar: Takut dengan aku, pasal tu dia cari something yang dia rasa tak best, and dia exploit la...
Habuk: Ko rasa Hitam tak best ke?
Azhar: Aku tak penah kata... aku OK je...
Habuk: Tapi ko selalu kene ketawa...
Azhar: Biarlah orang2 bodoh tu masuk neraka...
Habuk: Oooooo
Azhar: Uhuk (batuk) bila ko nak blah ni?
Habuk: Aku penunggu blog ko la...
Azhar: Nak kate ko bodoh pun tak boleh, ko habuk... takde otak...
Habuk: erk.. betul tu...
22 tahun aku hidup kat MALAYSIA... bende yang sama juga org persoalkan lagi dan lagi dan lagi.... Aku bersyukur lahir kat Malaysia, aku tanak duduk kat negara lain... tapi kalau rakyat Malaysia (yang mengatakan tanah yang aku pijak ni milik nenek tok ayah mereka) brainwash aku kata aku tetamu yang tak diundang kat negara aku sendiri, macam mana aku ada rasa setia untuk aku menyumbang pada negara aku sendiri...?
Kalau kaji Sejarah betul2, dia org yang kata tanah ni tanah tok ayah dia org tu pun tak tau perkara sebenar... kadang2 aku kesian.., tapi baik aku kesian kat diri aku sendiri...
Yang dianggap bodoh, oleh mereka yang sangat bodoh...
Memory (dedicated to dear You)
8 years ago
if they really wanna bring in the history books, i think the indians were here first, don't u think? waaay before Parameswara came. hey, hold on, Parameswara is also a pendatang...poor orang asli, you were the first, but you are third-classed.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with wat u said azhar..
ReplyDeletetp that's the fact, we live in a country that has too many differences between its people.
note this, the things u said above does not only apply between races, but even between states.the people from this state say they are better, and so on.
but hey, our kerajahat sentiasa mencanangkan perpaduan. perpaduan my ass,that's all a rhetoric. 1 Malaysia? just a dream. and so are other "slogans"
long live "boleh land"!
Amanda: Hinduism was here first before Islam (or so they say, they have been lying a lot in history books i dunno wat to believe) The surge of Indians (taken from tamil nadu, anhdra pradesh) come when British is trying to conquer the land. But even before that, indians were here - there were news that the third Sultan of Malacca was killed by his half brother and his penyokong - his penyokong were indians. This piece of information, i acquire after months of research... Chinese were here too loooong before the mythical Hang Li Po came... just asked the siamese, their land was the jalan laluan for the chinese to migrate to Melaka... this was just zaman melaka,., aku belum sentuh yg sebelum tu lagi...
ReplyDeletekalo nak kate Cina ngan India... org2 kat pedalaman Pahang/Perak (u knw what i mean) or bumiputera Sabah/Sarawak LLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAGGGGIIIIIII LLLLLAAAAAMMMMAAAAAAAA kat sini...
cheh... aku benci politik...
Faisal: Aku paham maksud ko, ko cuba baca latest blog Amanda, dia ada ckp pasal apa yg kau cakapkan tu...
slogan boleh menjadi kalau ade perubahan dalam tahap dasar... aku rasa bende ni lah sekecil2nya bende untuk menggalakkan perpaduan...
isu nih mmg panas kalo dalam ati aku nih..especially pasal Malays and their so called "superiority"..yes, mmg aku malay, but differences yg aku nk tekankan kt sini adalah ttg negeri..
ReplyDeletetapi otak aku kate jangan besarkan isu ni..some things are better kept unsaid..
sbb bagi aku, isu negeri ni adalah kesilapan nenek moyang kt negeri aku sendiri & sekarang aku idup bergaul dgn sahabat2 dari semenanjung..mrk pn dh mcm adik beradik aku..
pasal racism..hehe..aku mampu senyum jer..sume retorik perpaduan nih..cakap2 realitinya? biarlah masa & pengalaman kita mendedahkannya..semua ni polemik orang atas utk menjaga kepentingan mereka..bagi mereka,bangsa sbnrnya tidak lagi bermakna..tapi poket..poket kene tebal..tapi kita di bwh ni yg menanggung isu yg mereka mainkan..dari zaman tunku, sampaila skrg..okey..
Why can't we just be friend. Dem. I sound like hippies! Go green! Haha!
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo, our darn politicians kept on debating bout this issue simply for their own good. Dead stupid. And those who don't know simply follow.
I don't see any benefit we'll get from all this great8 ancestor family issue will do to us other than hatred. Please-lah. Stop.
The earth belong to our children. We have no right to claim which is your and which is mine.
Just be thankful for what our ancestor have sacrificed for what we have today.
*Go hippies!*
Hey,been a long time since i was last here.
ReplyDeleteJust wanna say hi
Well, the issue of who were here before n later, will not be brought forward if we just think that this is the land belongs to all of us..
ReplyDeleteDifferent colours of skin tone is just the outer layer of our skin. What about it??
Well, next time, if people call you hitam, i think you should define what is the meaning of Hitam and how the colour Hitam looks like.
Rambut kita yg berwarna hitam...